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Haleeb Asli Desi Ghee Tin 1Kg

Haleeb Asli Desi Ghee Tin 1Kg

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Haleeb Asli Desi Ghee Tin 1Kg

As the name suggests, Asli Desi Ghee stays true to the taste and purity of traditional ghee by avoiding the use of artificial additives or stabilizers. Used in desserts and savory traditional meals, Haleeb’s Asli Desi Ghee brings the aromatic flavors of your childhood back to life. We make sure that consumers get the best nutrition and the perfect product for their cookin

Dimension: Width:90mm, Height:125mm, Depth:90mm, Weight:1000g

Nutrient Measurement Precision Exact,Fat 30g,Sodium 0mg

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