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Vince Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum

Vince Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum

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Vince Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum

Moisturizing art Dark Side LiveTreatmentA highly Moisturing ant. dece treatment that addresses bothdiscoloration andpoorlocalmicrocirculation, two major causes ofdark circles Brings a brighter morevibrant appearance to eye areasHydrating Eye Serum is formulated todefine, contour, re-firm and brightenthe skin. while softening theappearance of dark circles, eye bags.imperfections lines and wrinklesCreated with a unique blend ofpeptides and antioxidants, IncludingGreen and White Teas, a potent freeradical scavenger and our Molecularour Complex This innovativefeather weight this serum is designedto effectively combat the multiplesigns of visual aging around the eyearea

Dimension: Width:30mm, Height:115mm, Depth:35mm, Weight:40g

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